Things have been lagging due mostly to demotivation re: the hollow earth. That sucker is tough to build, I mean really tough. it's definatelly not dead, though, and as a way to help kick-start things back up again, I'm selling off a batch of bitcrushers/samplerate reducers with wet/dry blend control. it's an easy build I'll have no trouble building a dozen of, and at the same time it'll help refinance the whole hollow earth gig.
So here's the bitcrusher, called the Moth and does 1-8 bit crushing and samplerate reduction. there's wet/dry blending and volume as well. the graphic will change a little. here's a bad clip. I'll do a youtube once things are orginized.
there will be no reservation list for this one. in a bunch of weeks I'll just announce a day they go on sale and that'll be that. $150 a pop.

in semi related news, the kind folk at Audio Effekte have written a kind word on this project of mine, as well as about montreal assembly!
read it here
You should check out Scott's stuff (at mtl assembly). he makes rad effects too and his bitcrushers are way more versatile than mine! face-melting boxes galore!
awesome review!
oh the bitrman is still much more versatile.
haha no voetsek. that's an absolute horrid pedal to build. wouldn't do it for $400 even.
great review and even greater is the news that there could be hollow earths on the horizon.
i want one in the worst way.
great, i'm looking forward to the moth. hope i can get one in time.
you do ship worldwide i hope?
yep worldwide is no problem. but it'll be regular post. (its the same locally). I can't deal with UPS/FedEx due to general douchebaggery.
yeah i know what you mean about UPS et al
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